A little over a month ago, we won our union election convincingly: nearly 90% of us voted to form Contract Faculty United – UAW. That overwhelming majority and the high turnout puts us in a good position to bargain a strong contract that will set a new standard for contract faculty at NYU and non-tenure track, full-time faculty across the country.

We now have a chance to elect a diverse group of contract faculty to engage in negotiations with the NYU administration as members of our Bargaining Committee. We hope you will read the below Notice of Nomination and Election for the CFU-UAW Bargaining Committee carefully and will consider running for the Bargaining Committee. If you wish to run, you must email cfu.uaw@gmail.com by 5:00 PM on Monday, April 15, 2024; candidates may write a candidate statement of up to 500 words. Full details are in the Notice of Nomination and Election below.Anyone who has signed a union authorization card is eligible to run and vote for our Bargaining Committee. If you know a colleague who has not yet signed a card, direct them to this form so that they can be part of this important election.


Nominations are hereby declared open for the CFU-UAW Bargaining Committee (eleven [11] positions):

All eligible unit members who have signed a CFU-UAW union authorization card are automatically nominated for the CFU-UAW Bargaining Committee.

Eligibility Description (per the election agreement):

INCLUDED: full-time continuing contract faculty employed by New York University.


1. All faculty in the School of Medicine (Grossman School of Medicine & Grossman Long Island School of Medicine), School of Law, College of Dentistry, and Stern School of Business; all tenured and tenure-track faculty; visiting faculty (all ranks), instructors, assistant professors/Courant instructors, assistant professors/faculty fellows, assistant professors/emerging scholars, assistant curators/faculty fellows, acting assistant professors, global professors, global distinguished professors, global instructors, global visiting professors, writers in residence, distinguished writers in residence, artists in residence, distinguished artists in residence, scientists in residence, distinguished scientists in residence, journalists in residence, distinguished journalists in residence, and library associates; faculty who are not full-time continuing contract faculty and hold the title of faculty fellows; all employees appointed as part-time or adjunct faculty; all emeritus faculty; all faculty employed by NYU global sites; all professional research staff; all post-docs;

2. All ranks of provosts, chancellors, and deans; all full chairs and heads of academic departments, divisions, or programs; Executive Directors; Director, Marron Institute; directors of global academic centers; Director, Center for Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement (Faculty of Arts and Science); Director, International Relations (Faculty of Arts and Science); Director, Museum Studies (Faculty of Arts and Science); Director, Hellenic Studies (Faculty of Arts and Science); Director, Global and Environmental Public Health Program (School of Global Public Health); Director, Public Health Nutrition Program (School of Global Public Health); and any other directors of degree-granting academic programs in Faculty of Arts and Science and School of Global Public Health who do not report to a Chair and whose programs employ full-time continuing contract faculty;

3. Any full-time continuing contract faculty who holds one or more of the following administrative positions: vice/associate/assistant chair; directors of institutes (other than Marron Institute) and cultural houses; directors of degree-granting academic programs (outside of those listed in (2) above); directors of studios in the Tisch School of the Arts; directors of undergraduate studies and graduate studies (except for Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences directors of undergraduate studies and graduate studies); Academic Directors in the School of Professional Studies and the Center for Urban Science and Progress; Coordinator of the Westchester and Rockland Campuses at the Silver School of Social Work; and all faculty with administrative titles in the Division of Libraries (hereinafter, Specified Administrative Positions), and who meet one of the following criteria: (a) receives course release from one or more of the Specified Administrative Positions that reduces the faculty member’s standard course load for the academic year by 50% or more; or (b) receives administrative compensation from one or more of the Specified Administrative Positions that equals at least 50% or more of the faculty member’s base salary; or (c) receives a combination of course release, and the monetary equivalent of a course release through administrative compensation, from one or more of the Specified Administrative Positions, that is equivalent to 50% or more of the faculty member’s standard course load for the academic year. (The monetary equivalent of a course release through administrative compensation would be calculated at the school’s established course buyout rate, or if no such established rate exists, then equal to 17% of the faculty member’s base salary).

The Bargaining Committee will have eleven (11) positions. 

All members of the Bargaining Committee are considered At-Large, meaning all voters in the election may cast ballots for the eleven candidates and all committee members represent all workers.

Any eligible Union supporter who wishes to accept the nomination for one of the eleven [11] Bargaining Committee positions must indicate their intention in writing by emailing cfu.uaw@gmail.com. When accepting nomination please include:

  • Your name as you’d like it to appear on the ballot

  • Contact information: department, phone number, and non-NYU email address

  • Candidate statement (up to 500 words, optional) – In the case of a contested election, the statement will be posted on the website no later than April 18, 2024 and will be available on the online ballot during the election.

You can read more here, or go to our website for details about the responsibilities of Bargaining Committee members:


The acceptance of nomination for the positions above must be received no later than 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 15, 2024 to cfu.uaw@gmail.com

Candidate Statements

Each candidate may write and submit a candidate statement of no more than 500 words. These statements will be posted on the CFU-UAW website. Statements may include hyperlinks. Name, title, phone number, and email address must be included, but will not be counted toward the 500 words.

It is the responsibility of the candidate to submit the candidate statement. All candidate statements must be received by the time nominations close at 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 15, 2024. See some example candidate statements from the Mt. Sinai Postdoc Bargaining Committee.

Election Dates, Times, and Locations

In the event that the number of eligible candidates who accept nomination does not exceed the number of open positions (eleven [11] positions), such candidates will be deemed elected by acclamation and no election will be held.

In the event that the number of eligible candidates who accept nominations exceeds the number of open positions (eleven [11] positions), elections will open at 8 AM on May 3, 2024 and close at 5 PM on May 6, 2024. The election will be via electronic voting. Step-by-step instructions will be provided at the close of nominations.

In solidarity,

CFU-UAW Election Committee

Michael D’Emic
Anne DeWitt
Angela M. Godwin