In the last few months our union has made great progress toward winning recognition from the NYU administration thanks to the active, vocal participation of a growing number of contract faculty across campus. As we near our goal, and in order to win our union,  it’s important we keep amplifying our unified voice.

This Friday, Jun 23rd we’re offering an organizing training session on best practices to speak to colleagues across campus about our union, learn answers to common questions, and discuss how to get involved in our organizing efforts so we can win meaningful improvements and protections to our working conditions. The training will begin at 2pm at 411 Lafayette St, room 331 and run for roughly an hour. You can RSVP here! 

If you would like to get the training but can’t make this date, please reply to this email to let us know. We plan to host more sessions in the coming weeks too. Consider that the summer may be the perfect time for you to get more involved.

We’re also in the middle of Pride Month, and on Sunday we’ll be marching with our UAW siblings and other academic workers in the Queer Liberation March. Pride celebrates the anniversary of Stonewall, and one of its lessons is that change doesn’t happen unless people step up to make it happen. Meet us for the Queer Liberation March at the statue in the northwest corner of Foley Square at 3pm Sunday, 6/25. 

Thanks for signing up in support of our union. Now we’re continuing to prepare for the period ahead by taking a more active role and helping grow majority support, so that we can make sure the administration makes the right decision to negotiate with us in good faith. Join us on Friday to learn how to do it.