We are excited to announce that the NYU administration has responded to our proposal to begin contract negotiations! In the weeks ahead, we’ll be sharing regular updates as we prepare to take this next step together. For now, just save the date: our first bargaining session will be on November 1st, 2024. 

We want to congratulate everyone for working hard to come together in our 89% vote to unionize last spring, and for maintaining strong majority participation in our bargaining survey and our ongoing vote to ratify bargaining goals. A majority of contract faculty across the university have already voted to ratify our initial bargaining goals, but the more people who vote, the stronger our mandate will be. If you haven’t already, please take a moment to vote here. 

This broad and consistent participation from contract faculty across campus will be critical to making progress at the table. Together, we can win a strong collective bargaining agreement that secures our jobs and sets new standards for full-time non-tenure track faculty at private universities. Please stay tuned as we prepare to kick off negotiations with the NYU administration!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or thoughts, or to get more involved in our effort to win a strong first contract.

In Solidarity,

CFU-UAW Bargaining Committee
Richard Dorritie (Rory Meyers College of Nursing)
Elisabeth Fay (Expository Writing Program, Faculty of Arts and Science)
Robin Harvey (Teaching and Learning, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development)
Thomas Hill (Center for Global Affairs, School of Professional Studies)
Peter Li (General Engineering, Tandon School of Engineering) 
Benedetta Piantella (Technology, Culture and Society, Tandon School of Engineering) 
Jacob Remes (Gallatin School of Individualized Study)
Chris Chan Roberson (Undergraduate Film and TV, Tisch School of the Arts) 
Jamie Root (French Literature, Thought and Culture, Faculty of Arts and Science)
Fanny Shum (Mathematics, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
Heidi White (Liberal Studies, Faculty of Arts and Science)